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How Christmas in July Can Save Your December
by Arielle Vogel | July 17, 2017
It may sound crazy, but right now is the BEST time to plan and prepare for Christmas! Like it...
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What Does the Bible Say About Credit Cards?
by Arielle Vogel | July 10, 2017
The Bible contains more verses about money than it does about Heaven and Hell combined. Why? Because God created...
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What Does the Bible Say About Giving and Saving?
by Chuck Bentley | July 5, 2017
In Mark 12, we meet the poor widow who gave two small coins in the temple treasury as her...
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Saying “Yes” to a Budget Before Saying “I Do”
by Chuck Bentley | June 30, 2017
Dear Chuck, For years I have always managed to earn more than I spend. But, my fiancée says we...
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6 Money Myths You Need to Stop Believing
by Arielle Vogel | June 29, 2017
There are many misconceptions and myths about money. Many of them are completely untrue, but some are more untrue...
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10 Budget-Friendly Summer Activities Your Kids Will Love
by Arielle Vogel | June 28, 2017
Congratulations! You have made it through your first full week of (official) summer. For many of you, your kids have...
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7 DIY Home Improvements You Should do this Summer
by Arielle Vogel | June 27, 2017
How is your summer going so far? My husband and I just bought our first house about 3 months...
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How to Use the Envelope System
by Arielle Vogel | June 22, 2017
The fundamentals of budgeting are simple – know where your money is going so it serves you, not the...
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How to Make a Budget
by Arielle Vogel | June 20, 2017
Did you know that tracking your spending and creating a budget can be freeing and actually bring peace? A...
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Best Budget-Friendly Wedding (and Shower) Gifts
by Arielle Vogel | June 19, 2017
Are you attending any weddings this summer? It’s the height of wedding season right now, which can get expensive...
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