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Ask Chuck: I’m Losing Trust in Currencies
by Chuck Bentley | February 15, 2023
Dear Chuck, I always thought a small diversification into cryptos would protect me from the collapse of fiat money,...
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Ask Chuck: How Do I Manage My Credit Score?
by Chuck Bentley | February 15, 2023
Dear Chuck, We’ve made financial mistakes in the past and want to improve our credit score in the New...
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Ask Chuck: Best Financial Moves for the New Year
by Chuck Bentley | February 15, 2023
Dear Chuck, We want to start the New Year right when it comes to our finances. Beyond a “get...
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Ask Chuck: How to Get Credit Card Debt Under Control
by Chuck Bentley | February 15, 2023
Dear Chuck,  I hate carrying a balance on our credit cards, but I can’t seem to get them under...
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Ask Chuck: Are You Shrewd with Money?
by Chuck Bentley | February 15, 2023
Dear Chuck, The Parable of the Dishonest Manager looks like Jesus commends lying. Am I right about this? Curious...
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Ask Chuck: Are You Exhausted By Inflation?
by Chuck Bentley | February 15, 2023
Dear Chuck, I am exhausted trying to make it to the end of the month while remaining within my...
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Ask Chuck: A Financial Tool You Must Have!
by Chuck Bentley | February 15, 2023
Dear Chuck, My wife and I are finally living on a budget! What are some key steps in our...
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Ask Chuck: How Can I Save Money on Energy Bills?
by Chuck Bentley | October 28, 2022
Dear Chuck, It is already cccccold where I live. My heating bills are getting painful. Any tips to save...
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Ask Chuck: Should I Wait to Buy a Used Car?
by Chuck Bentley | October 21, 2022
Hi Chuck, When do you think used-car prices will drop? My car is racking up a lot of miles,...
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Ask Chuck: Are Student Loans a Rip-Off?
by Chuck Bentley | October 14, 2022
Dear Chuck, When students were paying 10% on student loans, we couldn’t get 1% interest on the money we...
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