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Make sure you aren’t over-paying in rent
by Chuck Bentley | May 19, 2015
By Chuck Bentley Recent Census data revealed that more than one in four U.S. renters have to use at...
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Don’t exchange your Cap and Gown for a Financial Ball and Chain
by Chuck Bentley | May 15, 2015
By Chuck Bentley “Graduates across the country need to make plans to avoid a debt that may never go...
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Did you lose your peace over financial problems?
by Chuck Bentley | May 13, 2015
By Chuck Bentley Worry, stress, and financial bondage can destroy our peace and take control of our lives. We...
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Maximizing Social Security Benefits for Married Couples
by Chuck Bentley | May 12, 2015
By Chuck Bentley According to Blackrock, the world’s largest investment firm, if you are married, the decision of when...
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Do you give 10% of your gross income?
by Chuck Bentley | May 7, 2015
By Chuck Bentley Reports show that only about 8 percent of all Christians in the United States actually tithe...
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Tips for Buying a Home
by Chuck Bentley | May 4, 2015
By Chuck Bentley Purchasing a home is typically the largest financial investment any of us will ever make. It...
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Is Jesus your personal financial advisor?
by Chuck Bentley | April 23, 2015
By Chuck Bentley In Mark chapter 10, a man known only as the Rich Young Ruler, ran to Jesus,...
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Privacy on your mobile phone
by Chuck Bentley | April 22, 2015
By Chuck Bentley Clark Howard recently shared some helpful information about how to protect your personal information if you...
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tips for managing cash
by Chuck Bentley | April 20, 2015
By Chuck Bentley Cash remains an important part of our financial transactions. Yet, we tend to forget how important...
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Singapore’s Saving System
by Chuck Bentley | April 16, 2015
By Chuck Bentley Forbes Magazine columnist John Goodman had a lot of high praise for the nation of Singapore’s...
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