Back in 2014, a Dominos pizza delivery employee, James, got the surprise of his life when he delivered two pizzas to Indiana Wesleyan University and got a massive tip of $1,268.86, along with $70 in gift cards. The altruistic act was part of a lesson on kindness a speaker was illustrating to students.
James’s story is one of many! Unsuspecting service staff receiving life-changing tips, often when it seems they needed it most. These stories are an encouraging reminder of the kindness that should be extended more often.
But sadly, Christians are rarely the ones doing these kind acts. In fact, we have a horrible reputation for being bad tippers. For every story of someone receiving a massive tip, there’s probably also one of someone receiving no tip and a tract instead.
I’ve heard Christians explain that their rationale for not tipping over 10% (or not tipping at all) is because “they are only supposed to give God 10% so why should they give someone else more?” Not only is this reasoning nonsensical , it’s not Christlike. Why not increase your generosity to both God and man?
I can’t help but think of Luke 6:31- “ Do to others as you would have them do to you.” The chapter goes on in verses 37-38 to say, “…give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”
God is abundantly generous to us. Why aren’t we eager to be generous to others? It all belongs to God anyway.
While of course we should be evangelistic in nature, the measure in which we are giving is far too low. A tract or a Bible verse on a receipt won’t pay the bills or grab the attention of an unbelieving server. Jesus didn’t come walk on this earth just to pass out pamphlets about what heaven is like. Can you imagine Jesus walking out of Applebees after giving the waitress the most measly tip ever, thinking He’d won her over for the Kingdom? Stinginess isn’t in His character.
We, as Christians, have a lifelong opportunity here on earth to use our money to exemplify the Holy Spirit in our lives. The 9 Fruits of the Spirit should be apparent not only in our behavior and language, but in the way we spend our money. Kindness and goodness both make the list, so instead of having a tight fist when you order a pizza to your house, be disciplined to keep a budget so you can give extravagantly.
Often, the joy of giving is for the giver, not the recipient. Of course, blessing someone with a generous tip or meeting some other financial need impacts their life. But it impacts yours greatly as well.
Proverbs 11:24-25 says, “One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.”
I don’t know about you, but I doubt I’d have any regrets about being extravagantly generous when I get to heaven. Don’t rob yourself of the earthly joy that comes from giving. And don’t rob the recipient of a physical need God could be using you to meet!
Factor generosity, including tips, into your monthly budget. Get creative on how to increase your margin to be able to give when a need arises.
One of Crown’s team members, Megan, plays a game with her husband when they go out to eat to help them save money. They each find a dish on the menu that looks good but then challenge themselves to actually order something that costs $3 less. It saves them money and leaves room in their budget for a nice tip!
The rules about tipping have changed over the years. It’s no longer a “bonus” for above average service. You are compensating your waiter or waitress for a service that was provided to you. Tipping is part of the price we pay for dining out. It’s a majority of a salary and is “unofficially” required. If you’re curious if you’re tipping the right amount, you can average requirements check here.
How do you show generosity? What creative ideas have you come up with to increase your financial margin? Share with us on Facebook!
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