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Arielle Vogel
Author Archives: Arielle Vogel

What is Stewardship?

What do you think of when you hear the word, steward? There are many misconceptions of what stewardship means – fundraising campaigns at church, recycling, and getting out of debt are common examples. But none of these fully encompass what stewardship really means. Stewardship is not ordering your finances in a way that you can […]

3 Steps to Start a Savings Fund

Do you have $1,000 in a savings account that you could access right now? Most Americans (70%) don’t. In fact, six out of 10 Americans couldn’t even access $500 in an emergency. And 34% of Americans said they don’t have any savings…at all. A lack of savings is the #1 reason people accumulate debt – because […]

How to Get Out of Debt

how to get out of debt

It’s been said that paying off debt is like eating an elephant – it can only be done one bite at a time. But getting started can seem daunting and overwhelming. Knowing how to take the first bite can prevent many from starting altogether. Of all the people I know who have gotten out of […]

3 Steps to Trust God More

Many people struggle with fear, especially when it comes to their finances. Attitudes of fear and anxiety over our money, relationships, and circumstances can be a sign of bondage. Faith is the opposite of fear. Hebrews 11 defines faith as “the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things not seen.” If we […]

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