Dear Chuck, My husband and I have lived frugally since getting married ten years ago. We’ve been paying off student loans, cars, and credit card debt. I’d like to use our tax refund for a vacation, but my husband insists that we pay off more debt. Divided Over Tax Refund Dear Divided Over Tax […]
Dear Chuck, We have a young child with disabilities. Can you advise us on how to prepare financially for her care? Special Care Needed Dear Special Care Needed, For the many friends that I have who love and care for their child (or children) with special needs, there are additional financial, emotional, and, at […]
Dear Chuck, Should I participate in my company’s offer of a Health Savings Account? I don’t get sick often and feel it is too expensive. Help with HSA Dear Help with HSA, A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a great way to manage the cost of healthcare. If you are qualified and able, I […]
Dear Chuck, I got some crazy tattoos while in the Marine Corps when I was single. Now my wife wants me to get rid of the ones she does not like. I tell her that besides being super painful, it is a waste of our money. Any advice? Split over Tattoos Dear Split over […]
Dear Chuck, Our “Dear Leader” Elon Musk seems to have taken over the federal government. Are you concerned yet? No Fan of DOGE Dear No Fan of DOGE, Today’s question is taken from an actual offline conversation I had with a friend who sarcastically used the term “Dear Leader” to refer to Elon Musk. […]
Dear Chuck, I’m a small business owner concerned about the decline in real friendships. My business is built on them, but most of my young staff think social media is enough. Have you ever written about friendships and business growth? If so, where? Friends Are Priceless Dear Friends Are Priceless, What a great topic! […]
Dear Chuck, Valentine’s Day seems bogus to me; yet I’m feeling the pressure to do something special. Any tips for someone who is broke? Broke on Valentine’s Day Dear Broke on Valentine’s Day, I feel your pain, having been exactly there a few times in my past. While the holiday may seem bogus to […]
Dear Chuck, I am a recent widow. I have been advised to move my investments out of foreign stocks due to possible economic turmoil under our new administration. My advisor is not a Christian; what Biblical principles can guide me? Worried Investor Dear Worried Investor, That is very interesting advice from your investment advisor […]
Dear Chuck, I want to help my elderly parents who live on a fixed income. I don’t want them to get penalized with taxable income. Can you advise me? Helping My Elderly Parents Dear Helping My Elderly Parents, This is certainly not uncommon. Since I don’t have many specifics about you or your parents’ […]
Dear Chuck, I need to save some money this year, but I feel like a failure every time I try. What does the Bible offer that will help me achieve my goal? Struggling to Save Money Dear Struggling to Save Money, You are not a failure; you are just delayed in reaching your goal. […]