Dear Chuck, I’m single and have saved enough money to buy a house and have a sizable emergency fund for any surprise repairs. Do you consider this a good time to enter the real estate market? Single Home Buyer Dear Single Home Buyer, Reuters released an article on February 24th on the rise of […]
Dear Chuck, Inflationary prices are hitting our family, and I am getting worried. What can we do to ride this out? Inflation Fears Dear Inflation Fears, Gasoline is way up, oil is way up, food is way up, rents are rising, and housing prices are soaring. The price of used cars is nuts—in my […]
Dear Chuck, My female boss frequently laces her comments with profanity in the office. While it is never directed at me personally, it makes me cringe when I hear it. I have lost respect for her leadership and want to change jobs. Should I approach her or quietly find another place to work? Tired of […]
Dear Chuck, We have to cut our spending this year, but I really don’t know where to begin. When I bring up the subject, my spouse always has an excuse. If we don’t get things under control, we are going to face eviction from our landlord. Cash Crunch Dear Cash Crunch, I’m so glad […]
Dear Chuck, My wife and I are aggressively saving for a down payment on a house. We’ve toyed with the idea of selling one of our two cars. Is that too radical? First-Time Homebuyers Dear First-Time Homebuyers, This is a great question. Because of the inflationary market we are in right now, it is […]
Dear Chuck, My adult children rarely cook. They eat out and have groceries or meals delivered. I’m on a mission to teach my grandchildren how to cook—to prepare them to save money and become more self-sufficient in the future. I want to make it fun but could use some tips. Cooking Up Some Savings […]
Dear Chuck, My husband’s sales job has not produced good income since the pandemic. We’re in our early 60s, have $10,000 in a savings account, $25,000 in our 401(k), a paid-off home, and no debt. We’ve considered downsizing. Do you advise drawing down on our 401(k) now? Managing Cash Flow Dear Managing Cash Flow, […]
Dear Chuck, My home is in need of multiple costly repairs. My neighbor just did a major update on his home, and he told me he did it with a cash-out refinance. We also need a new car. What should we do? Refi Home Dear Refi Home, There is a lot in your question […]
Dear Chuck, I dread making financial resolutions every new year because I usually fail at keeping them. Can you offer any simple tips to help me manage money better this year? Something that’s fail-proof? Fail-Proof Financial Resolutions Dear Fail-Proof Financial Resolutions, First, Happy New Year! It is always exciting to me to roll the […]
Dear Chuck, I have the After-Christmas Blues. My joy gets packed away with all the Christmas decorations. How can I carry the joy of Christmas into next year? After-Christmas Blues Dear After-Christmas Blues, It is not uncommon for people to experience depressing thoughts after Christmas. Not only are the beautiful decorations packed away but […]