Dear Chuck, Digital currency will be all the rage soon. Won’t it just make inflation worse? Digital Doubter Dear Digital Doubter, There are a lot of new developments regarding digital currencies. It is inevitable that they will be introduced by Central Banks and become a normative part of our lives. It is also a […]
Dear Chuck, My husband and I have a lot in common, but we also have a WHOLE lot of differences. When it comes to money, we are complete opposites. Help! Financial Opposites Dear Financial Opposites, You have asked the right person about this challenge! My wife and I are as different as a pit […]
Dear Chuck, Can you help me understand all the buzz about DeFi (decentralized finance)? I just don’t get it. Traditional Boomer Dear Traditional Boomer, You and I are in the same boat, as traditional boomers! I know enough to be dangerous, so I asked my team to do some research to help us both […]
Dear Chuck, Housing prices are astronomical here but so is rent. It seems I am throwing money down the drain every month. Would it be a mistake to buy so I could at least build some equity? Buy Now or Wait? Dear Buy Now or Wait, This year’s real estate market has been crazy! […]
Dear Chuck, I’m considering dropping support of some of the organizations and institutions I’ve helped in the past and putting that money to better use. It’s been disheartening to see a drift in values. Do you have a guide for Christian givers? Redirecting My Charitable Giving Dear Redirecting My Charitable Giving, We are experiencing […]
Dear Chuck, I’m an American who believes our religious and financial freedoms are being threatened. I want to discuss this with our family during our 4thof July gathering. I am grateful to be an American but feel the country I love is quickly disappearing. Any insights for me? Troubled American Dear Troubled American, This […]
Dear Chuck, I really hate my job. I want to quit, but I was taught that it is better to find a job before you quit what you have. Any tips for finding a job before bailing out of this miserable situation? Stuck in a Bad Job Dear Stuck in a Bad Job, I […]
In honor of our Fathers, today I want to share four financial lessons that my Dad taught me. Life was not easy for my dad. He was raised in poverty but found his escape by lying about his age and joining the Marines at only 17. He survived through the brutal Koren War but was […]
Dear Chuck, My neighbor says we should consider a reverse mortgage. My wife and I are split about it. Can you break the deadlock? Reverse Mortgage Deadlock Dear Reverse Mortgage Deadlock, I am not sure that I can break the deadlock you describe, but I can give you my perspective and supporting data. I […]
Dear Chuck, My husband and I have good intentions when it comes to using money wisely, but we just don’t follow through. We need help! Stuck Without a Budget Dear Stuck Without a Budget, In my years of counseling couples about their finances, I have met many just like you who want to have […]