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Chuck Bentley
Author Archives: Chuck Bentley

Ask Chuck: Is Socialism Biblical?

Dear Chuck, In his State of the Union Address, President Trump declared that “America will never be a socialist nation.” Some say the Bible supports socialism. Does the Bible support it or any other specific economic system? Unsocial Dear Unsocial, I’m glad you asked, because I fear many people are supporting an economic philosophy they […]

Ask Chuck: Economic Consequences of New York State’s Reproductive Health Act

Dear Chuck, The most recent New York abortion legislation is appalling; but besides being morally wrong, won’t a population decline hurt our economy? This seems like a bad direction for us all. Concerned American Dear Concerned, Your concern is well placed. Yes, the long-term economic consequences of abortion are bad for everyone. New York State’s […]

Ask Chuck: Paying Off Christmas Debt

Dear Chuck, The bills have arrived and reality has hit. We splurged at Christmas and failed to keep track of everything we bought. We know now! Can you share some tips on paying off holiday debt and how to avoid ever doing this again? Pay! Pal   Dear Pay! Pal, It is easy to get […]

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