Dear Chuck, My husband and I have made a mess of our finances. We’re young, so I think we have time to recover. But, I’m concerned about my husband. He is having trouble sleeping (so am I for that matter), is emotional, and I fear he may lose valuable business accounts if he doesn’t learn […]
Dear Chuck, When I listen to stories my grandparents tell of the hardships they endured and the sacrifices they and their parents made to provide and get ahead, I wonder if we have handicapped ourselves in our reliance on debt, the government, church benevolence, etc. I understand the need in emergency situations, but I’m concerned […]
Dear Chuck, I see that mortgage rates are dropping. Several years ago, my husband and I bought more house than we really need. Is this the time to sell so we can purchase something more affordable? Our current home eats up 40% of our budget preventing us from saving and giving at a level we […]
Dear Chuck, The recent story of celebrities, business leaders, and wealthy parents bribing their children’s way to college has really bothered me. I feel bad for their kids. But it’s also called to light how much emphasis we put on attending college. Most people can’t bribe their way in, or even pay for college without […]
Hey Chuck, I read more and more people pushing for Universal Basic Income (UBI)? This sounds cool but so does a free condo on the beach. First, what is it? More importantly, is it really a good thing? Interested in UBI Thanks for your important and timely question. UBI is being talked about heavily among […]
Dear Chuck, I don’t know how my parents are going to afford to live their projected lifespan. If they are concerned, they sure don’t live like it. I’m saving and investing as much as I can, but I’m not sure I could adequately come to their rescue. Need Hope Dear Hope, I understand your concern. […]
Dear Chuck, I read that America has dangerous levels of federal debt but also read that it really doesn’t matter. Which is it? And what should I do about it? Worried Taxpayer Dear Worried, America’s federal debt has recently swelled to twenty-two trillion dollars. Those are numbers that were once used only in the […]
Dear Chuck, For several years now, my spouse and I have depended on our tax refund to make it through the year. A friend told me to not expect as much as last year and now I’m concerned about how that will affect our family. Can you offer any help for this year and tips […]
Dear Chuck, In his State of the Union Address, President Trump declared that “America will never be a socialist nation.” Some say the Bible supports socialism. Does the Bible support it or any other specific economic system? Unsocial Dear Unsocial, I’m glad you asked, because I fear many people are supporting an economic philosophy they […]
Dear Chuck, Doesn’t the Bible say we should protect the environment? Are we going to have to give in to centralized government controls to preserve our natural resources? This “Green New Deal” has me nervous. Ms. Green Dear Ms. Green, There is a lot in your question so let’s take the issues in order. […]