Dear Chuck, My husband and I anticipate graduating in May. I’ve read that our resumes are extremely important. While he has part-time job and internship history, mine is very limited. We have student loans and hope to land great jobs as soon as we can. Could you tell me what employers are really looking for […]
Dear Chuck, My husband and I are just got married and are realizing the severity of our debt problems. We both just graduated with student loans, car loans, and some credit card debt. Until this point, we honestly didn’t know we should have been spending our money any differently. It was what everyone did and […]
Hi Chuck, I was struck by the example of former President Jimmy Carter when I read that he lives in a modest home and has a frugal lifestyle. I think I would have a hard time living beneath my means if I had been President of the United States! It seems he is extremely content […]
Dear Chuck, I drive past those Cash Advance and Payday Loan places just about every day but had never paid much attention until one of my friends got in financial trouble. She had just lost her job and was behind on rent so she went to get an advance and it ended up being a […]
Dear Chuck, I have 3 kids and they’re all getting to ages where we have more spiritual discussions. They seem to pay attention to everything I do, say everything I say, and question everything. “Why” seems to be my three-year-olds favorite word. How do I start sharing the Gospel with them at such a young […]
Dear Chuck, Amazon Prime day just recently took place, and I found lots of great deals. Many of my friends took to social media to share great sales they found, and it was well-talked about at work for several days. While big sales like this can be great for saving us money, I actually was […]
Dear Chuck, I am getting a little older in age, and things that were once simple, like exercising, require a LOT more effort. I’ve been advised over the years that good stewardship of your health is also good stewardship of your finances because being in good health can save you so much money. What’s your […]
Dear Chuck, Some of my closest friends are going through a nasty divorce right now. Apparently, they had both been hiding financial information, credit cards, debt, etc. from each other for a number of years, and the fallout has been detrimental. I’ve heard of more couples experiencing “financial infidelity” lately and it makes me so […]
Looking ahead to the future is an important, but often scary, thing to do, especially when it comes to your finances. The best way to prepare for the future and give yourself financial margin is to establish a healthy savings account. Not only will it help to ensure that you have cash to cover expenses, […]
Dear Chuck, I hear you talk about stewardship a lot, and I’ve been trying to be more faithful with the way I manage all my resources. I want to be a steward and would really like to find a mentor to help me. What kind of characteristics should I look for in a mentor? How […]