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Chuck Bentley
Author Archives: Chuck Bentley

Ask Chuck: Tips for Saving Money on Income Taxes

Ask Chuck Tips For Saving Money On Income Taxes

Dear Chuck, We have always filed our taxes taking the standard deduction. A friend at church suggested I might qualify for a greater deduction because of our increased giving in 2023. What do you think is the best option?  Paying Caesar What Is Caesar’s    Dear Paying Caesar What Is Caesar’s,  Charles Schwab notes that […]

Ask Chuck: Helping Others Break Their Financial Dependency 

Ask Chuck Helping Others Break Their Financial Dependency 

Dear Chuck, I serve on the benevolence committee at my church. Inflation seems to be a common issue. How can we help the hurting during this time without creating dependencies?  Helping Without Creating Dependency    Dear Helping Without Creating Dependency,  Many people suffering from the impact of inflation are hurting because of the symptoms of […]

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