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Chuck Bentley
Author Archives: Chuck Bentley

What True Contentment Means

What True Contentment Means

This world will try to convince you that your purposes, goals, significance, self-worth, ambition, and life energy should be wrapped up in material things. For many, the world’s message is simple: make as much as you can, as quickly as you can, to retire as soon as you can, to enjoy a life of leisure […]

2 Steps to Quit Worrying About Money

2 steps to quit worrying about money

Are you worried about money? Most Americans are. In fact, a study from reveals that 65% are losing sleep because of their financial state. The most common stressor is the cost of healthcare or insurance bills. This is closely followed by concern over retirement savings and student loans. Mortgages and credit cards are not […]

5 Mistakes That Lead to Debt

5 Mistakes that lead to debt

Have you ever thought about what causes debt? Most people who have accumulated debt didn’t do so on purpose. It’s usually because of a series of small mistakes, one huge accident, or an assumption that “this is just the way it’s done”. But underneath all those causes are deeper, hidden problems. Paying off debt or […]

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