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Chuck Bentley
Author Archives: Chuck Bentley

9 Things You Don’t Want to Say at Work

9 Things You Don't Want to Say at Work

Ever feel like you’re not quite sure where “the line” at work is? Many professionals deal with complicated office politics, and often it goes beyond just agreeing with your supervisor or not talking behind their back. I too have found that reckless words at work do far more damage than most folks ever anticipate, whether […]

How to Have the Best

Man’s Best vs. God’s Best From the beginning, Satan has tempted man with the desire to have the best the world has to offer. Selfish pride in our possessions is a common financial mistake. Just picture the proud man showing off his new TV or boat. And you’ve seen women brag to one another about […]

What Kids Don’t Learn in School

What Kids Don't Learn in School

It’s that time of year! Some parents rejoice as others reluctantly send their children back to school. Whatever camp you land in, we are trusting that our students are getting a well-rounded education. As students are hopefully learning the fundamentals of reading, writing, and arithmetic, one subject is woefully ignored by most schools – personal […]

What Does the Bible Say About Investing and Gambling?

Have you ever wondered what the difference between investing and gambling really is? The Bible says that gambling is wrong, but what makes investing okay? What does the Bible say about investing anyway? THE DIFFERENCE The difference between these two is vast but can be confusing, especially for those who don’t regularly engage in either, […]

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