Arguments about money are by far the top predictor of divorce, says Sonya Britt, a professor at Kansas State University. “It’s not children, sex, in-laws, or anything else. It’s money—for both men and women.” My wife and I just released a new book to address this issue – Money Problems, Marriage Solutions. In it, we […]
Dear Chuck, A gentleman at work confided in me of his desire to file for a “Medicaid divorce” due to his wife’s mounting medical bills. Is that biblical? Is there a different solution? Need Counsel to Counsel Dear Need Counsel, I must confess that this is the first time I’ve heard the term, “Medicaid divorce”. […]
Are you living paycheck to paycheck? A recent report from CareerBuilder found that 78% of full-time workers live paycheck to paycheck, and 71% of full-time workers are in debt. Of these full-time workers, almost 10% of them make over a hundred thousand dollars a year, and they’re still living paycheck to paycheck every month. This […]
Are you living paycheck to paycheck? A recent report from CareerBuilder found that 78% of full-time workers live paycheck to paycheck, and 71% of full-time workers are in debt. Of these full-time workers, almost 10% of them make over a hundred thousand dollars a year, and they’re still living paycheck to paycheck every month. This […]
Does God want us to prosper? Is it in His will for every Christian to have worldly wealth? Or does He ask every Christian to give up the things of the world and live a life of poverty? These questions of faith and money are not new, and are not unique to our modern culture. […]
In today’s culture, fewer people are getting married. With divorce rates still high and cohabitation on the rise, many decide to never get married at all. One of the main reasons Americans are delaying marriage, or putting it off altogether, is due to a lack of financial stability – 34% of never-married individuals aged 25-34 […]
About 43% of the entire adult American population has a car loan (that’s about 107 million people). What’s even more shocking is that 6 million of those people are 90 or more days late on their car payments. They’re essentially taking out loans for an item they can’t afford, but still can’t afford to make […]
Dear Chuck, My wife and I have always tithed off our gross income. A few years ago we made the difficult decision to take our Social Security benefits to try and make our mortgage payments every month. Now that we are on a fixed income, I’m wondering if we should continue to tithe off our […]
Do you ever feel like you worship your work, work at your play, and play at your worship? Most people either see work as somewhat of a “necessary evil” to pay the bills and get by in life, or as their entire identity, the sole factor in determining their worth and value as an individual. […]
Have you, or a family member, ever been the victim of a scam? It can be a terrifying and frustrating event! Do you remember David’s words in Psalm 118? “The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” Though David wasn’t having to deal with professional thieves, this […]