Have you been waiting to make a budget until you make just a little more money? Maybe you have good intentions to start saving for retirement, but it just hasn’t happened. Debt has a way of accumulating quickly while we work to develop a plan to pay it off. Can you identify with any of […]
Dear Chuck, My wife and I have a mortgage, a car loan, and some student debt. In addition, we’re maxed out on several credit cards after a series of bad spending decisions. Should I use my 401K to pay off my household debt? Thanks, Need Help Dear Need Help, Millions of Americans are in the […]
Finding creative ways to increase your income has become an increasingly important step in navigating the workforce and personal finance. Thankfully, the unemployment rate has decreased to 4.3%, and overall job satisfaction is on the rise. But the workplace is ever-changing, and with all the technological advances and automated changes businesses are making, it’s essential […]
Ever feel like the wrong people always get ahead? The talented, humble, hard workers are often ignored, and those that flatter the boss, or take credit for things they didn’t do, get the promotions, the bonuses, and all the praise. It’s frustrating and can be demoralizing. When faced with this frustration, many people start considering […]
Dear Chuck, Every time I turn on the news, there seems to be so much violence, political turmoil and turbulence in the stock market. I don’t feel like I can trust the media and things always seem to be spiraling out of control. I want to shepherd my family well and be a good steward, […]
There are two extreme financial teachings in Christian camps today: the Prosperity Gospel and the Poverty Gospel. I believe both are wrong. Those who believe that riches are a sign of God’s blessing advance what is commonly referred to as the Prosperity Gospel. This teaches that you can command God to prosper you financially, that […]
Ever heard of a reverse mortgage? Many retired couples consider it if they feel strained on a fixed income. They’re advertised as a great option, but I’m not so sure. In fact, many people don’t think they’re a good idea. They’re called “the ugly stepchildren of the home-lending industry” by CNBC, and they may be […]
Ever feel like you’re not quite sure where “the line” at work is? Many professionals deal with complicated office politics, and often it goes beyond just agreeing with your supervisor or not talking behind their back. I too have found that reckless words at work do far more damage than most folks ever anticipate, whether […]
Man’s Best vs. God’s Best From the beginning, Satan has tempted man with the desire to have the best the world has to offer. Selfish pride in our possessions is a common financial mistake. Just picture the proud man showing off his new TV or boat. And you’ve seen women brag to one another about […]
Dear Chuck, I have a 2011 Toyota Prius because I commute 100 miles to work and back per day. I owe over $12,000 on it and it has 111,000 miles on it so far. We recently found out it costs over $2,300 to replace the hybrid battery. My question is – should I downgrade to […]