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Chuck Bentley
Author Archives: Chuck Bentley

Credit Cards Are Not Evil!

This may surprise you, but I carry a credit card. I never fail to pay off my balance at the end of the month, and I never pay late fees. For that, Ann and I take advantage of the convenience the card allows, earn airline miles, and enjoy 30 days of interest-free money. I have […]

3 Tips for Saving

The average personal savings rate for Americans has been hovering around 4.9%.  We save $5 out of very $100, which is not bad… unless we compare it to other countries. The Chinese average 38%, the Irish 19%, the French save 16%, and Australians save 9.3%. For a developed country, we have one of the lowest […]

Math in the Parable of the Talents

A universal desire of a Christian is to hear those wonderful words of affirmation, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your Master.” This well known and highly coveted reward is found in Matthew 25, where Jesus shared the parable of three stewards. To one Jesus gave 5 talents, which […]

A Warning About the Stock Market

According to an article in Bloomberg Business, “Citigroup Inc. is sounding the alarm bells for the world economy. The New York-based bank’s chief economist, Willem Buiter, said there is a 55 percent chance of some form of global recession in the next couple of years, most likely one of moderate depth and length. “Unlike the U.S.-driven […]

Work vs Welfare – Which Pays More?

I came across a fascinating article called When Work is Punished: The Ongoing Tragedy of America’s Welfare State.  Essentially, here is what I learned. “Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania pointed out that ‘the single mom [on government welfare] is better off with gross income of $29,000 with $57,327 in net income […]

Should Believers Sue Non-Christians?

We know that we are not to sue fellow brothers and sisters in the body of Christ, but what about non-Christians? The Bible is not quite as specific, but just because God didn’t make it a “thou shalt not” doesn’t mean you or I should ever sue non-Christians. In Luke 6:30 we learn that our […]

Shopping + Emotions

According to Heather Gilmore, a writer for The Dollar Stretcher, “Emotions can lead to the desire to shop or, on the other hand, shopping can lead to emotions. Shopping can be prompted by sadness, grief, loss, insecurity, guilt, and excitement.” Shopping can create a pleasurable experience making people want to experience the “high” again. The […]

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