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Chuck Bentley
Author Archives: Chuck Bentley

Are you achieving your full career potential?

By Chuck Bentley I read a fascinating study by Professor Tony Wagner of the Harvard Graduate School of Education called “Overcoming the Global Achievement Gap.” What is that gap, you may be asking? The Global Achievement Gap is the gap between what even our best schools are teaching and testing versus the skills all students will need for […]

How do you define success?

By Chuck Bentley One of the greatest mistakes we humans make is to define success based upon what we think we can do apart from God. Far too often, we want to take credit for our accomplishments, yet no one has ever been independent of God. Even Christians can allow our thinking to become tainted […]

Car Title Loans

By Chuck Bentley A car title loan is a loan where you give the lender the title to your car in exchange for a small amount of money. The loan usually only lasts for 30 days. If you don’t pay them back, they will take your car. Many people get car title loans, but these […]

settling past due credit accounts

By Chuck Bentley If you have one or more credit accounts that you are struggling to pay on time, there are a number of options to consider to help you resolve this terrible financial bondage. 1. First, do your best to pay your bills on time and pay them off entirely if you are able. […]

Make sure you aren’t over-paying in rent

By Chuck Bentley Recent Census data revealed that more than one in four U.S. renters have to use at least half of their family income to pay for housing and utilities. That’s the finding of an analysis of Census data by Enterprise Community Partners, a nonprofit that helps finance affordable housing. The number of such […]

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