By Chuck Bentley While it sounds ridiculous, you may actually be taking out a mortgage when you use your credit card to purchase things like pizza or coffee or gasoline. Here’s why: If you use a credit card that carries a $2,000 credit balance with an 18 percent annual rate, with a minimum payment of […]
By Chuck Bentley The author of a best selling investment book that sold over 20 million copies offered a very clever strategy to get rich. In the book, he actually stated that the reason you are not getting rich (like he did or his Dad, who taught him the “right” way to get rich) is […]
By Chuck Bentley I recently had the opportunity to meet a young couple who told me their remarkable story. Both were raised in Christian homes and regularly attended church. When they first met and fell in love, they decided to live together, which they did for four years. At that time, a friend invited them […]
By Chuck Bentley Political pollster, Ed Goeas, recently said, “Concern over the economy is the highest I’ve ever seen,” He said 72 percent are worried about an economic downturn. While I hope you are not among those who are worrying about the economy, I encourage you to keep a watchful and skeptical eye on it. My […]
By Chuck Bentley Ever think about the financial advice that Jesus gave in Matthew 19 when He encountered the Rich Young Ruler? * “Go sell everything that you have.” That probably arrested his attention, but there is more. * “Now go and give it all away to the poor.” That may have caused a mild […]
By Chuck Bentley Luke 16: 11 says, “If then you have not been faithful in the use of worldly wealth, who will entrust to you the true riches?” God’s Word never calls us to financial success. The Bible emphasizes that we are all to strive to become financially faithful. Success is measured by amounts, by […]
By Chuck Bentley If you lie awake at night worrying about money, you’re not alone. According to a report by, 62 percent of Americans are losing sleep over at least one financial problem. And even during the day, most Americans worry about money more than anything else. In fact, for many people, worries about […]
…it can only be done one bite at a time. Over the years, I have known thousands of folks who have become debt free. I have never met anyone who regretted it. True debt is borrowing money that you have no way of paying back. It is debt backed by nothing more than your commitment […]
By Chuck Bentley In Luke 16: 10 it says, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” You see, if you are unfaithful in small things, you will be unfaithful in large things. You cannot be entrusted […]
By Chuck Bentley I travel frequently and am familiar with rules and regulations for my luggage. The primary rule is the size or volume of the bag. But far more important than that is the content—what is inside the bag. The airlines must know what is inside your luggage. So much so that they take […]