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Chuck Bentley
Author Archives: Chuck Bentley

Saving Money on Life Insurance

By Chuck Bentley I think life insurance is a great idea and it is especially important for families to have adequate coverage.  I did a little research on how to save money on life insurance and came across an option that I did not know existed. Some insurance providers allow you to add a rider […]

Where do you eat out the most?

By Chuck Bentley The Huffington Post recently reported that 8 out of 10 Americans eat fast food at least once a month. That comes as no surprise, but their preferred choice did surprise me. A recent study by Morgan Stanley asked the top 3 factors that people look for when choosing a restaurant. The results were: […]

a good money story

By Chuck Bentley Yahoo Parents featured the story of an immigrant couple that moved to the US from the Philippines and turned their passion for home movies into a lucrative career—earning more than $1 million from their YouTube channel. But that is not the biggest surprise. Their home movies are best known for videos of […]

Honesty in Marriage

By Chuck Bentley I read with fascination about the news report of an Indian bride who walked out of her wedding ceremony after the groom failed to solve a simple math problem. The bride tested the groom on his math skills and when he got the sum wrong, she walked out. The question she asked: […]

Preparing for the End Times

By Chuck Bentley A recent poll by the Ventura, California-based Barna Group found 4 in 10 Americans—and 77 percent of evangelical Christians—believe the “world is now living in the biblical end times.” With the rise of ISIS, America’s tepid support of Israel, the moral decay of our nation and most of Western society, and threats […]

My Best financial advice in one line

By Chuck Bentley Two weeks ago I was in Zimbabwe speaking at a conference. I can’t help but come away from those trips with a much better perspective on many topics, including how I share biblical financial principles, our nation’s spiritual, moral, and political direction, as well as my own heart for “the least of […]

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