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Chuck Bentley
Author Archives: Chuck Bentley

Are you spending too much money?

By Chuck Bentley Are you spending too much money? According to an article in, here are 10 signs you’re spending too much money. 1. You carry credit card debt. If you’re not completely paying off the balance on your credit card every month, you’re probably spending too much. 2. You have no retirement savings. If this is […]

Payday Loan ATMs

By Chuck Bentley A bright orange ATM is popping up around Moscow, Russia at railway stations and shopping malls. This strange kind of ATM looks like a regular cash machine, but it’s designed to accept loan applications and dole out money on the spot. The loan ATM is a product of Oleg Boyko, a Russian billionaire […]

Tips for Eliminating Big Debts

By Chuck Bentley Today, I have some helpful tips.  The US News & World Report collected their best advice from experts who assist people who need to pay off more than $100,000 in consumer debt. Here are their tips: Step 1:  First, list all your creditors, including the minimum payments and interest rates. Plan to attack […]

Scam Alert

By Chuck Bentley Anthem, a major health insurance company, warned consumers recently to be aware of scam email campaigns targeting current and former customers of the company. The emails encourage recipients to click a link for credit monitoring services. “These emails are NOT from Anthem,” the insurance company said in the statement. Here is why […]

Do you love your neighbor?

By Chuck Bentley Martin Luther once said, “A true Christian lives and labors on earth not for himself but for his neighbor. Therefore the whole spirit of his life impels him to do even that which he needs not do, but which is profitable and necessary for his neighbor.” As one who is interested in […]

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