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Chuck Bentley
Author Archives: Chuck Bentley

seven ways to waste money

By Chuck Bentley Tim Challies, a Canadian Pastor, recently wrote an article sharing the areas where he personally found himself wasting his money. I think it’s a great list for all of us. 1. Buying Junk:  Occasionally, it is better to spend a little more money on a quality product rather than buying something that […]

Obamacare Information for your tax return

By Chuck Bentley You will need to report your healthcare arrangements to the IRS as one of the consequences of Obamacare, or else: Failure to comply can result in a reduced tax refund and penalties. First, there’s the coverage issue. Under Obamacare’s individual shared responsibility provision, you must let the IRS know when you file […]

Obamacare and Your Taxes

By Chuck Bentley I hope you know that a key part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires that taxpayers have qualifying health care coverage. Those without will need to qualify for an exemption or pay a penalty. This “Individual Shared Responsibility” provision applies to both individuals and families. If you, your spouse, and everyone […]

We Are All Generous

By Chuck Bentley Todd Peterson, a friend of mine and a former NFL kicker, came up with my favorite quote about generosity. “ We are all generous… Nobody has to teach us anything about being generous. The challenge we face and the choice we must make is are we going to only be generous towards […]

Luck vs. God’s Blessings

By Chuck Bentley “Good luck!” That sounds so strange to say, especially coming from a Christian. I don’t believe in luck, and I hope you don’t either. Instead of wishing someone good luck, I prefer to say, “May God bless you.” Proverbs 24:3-4 says this, “By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it […]

Working Out for Better Finances

By Chuck Bentley Today, I have some counter-intuitive advice to help you manage your finances better. Russell Clayton, along with other colleagues, writing for the Harvard Business Review, introduced new research that demonstrates a clear relationship between physical activity that is planned, structured, repetitive, and purposeful—in other words—exercise—and our ability to manage other aspects of […]

Why NBA Legend Charles Barkley’s “Crab” Comment Is Biblical

By Chuck Bentley CHARISMANEWS (11-12-2014) “Former NBA star Charles Barkley recently drew national attention with his candid comments referring to the envy between ‘successful blacks’ and others in the community, referring to ‘crabs in a barrel’, ” noted Crown CEO Chuck Bentley. “Mr. Barkley was referring to an African Proverb—Put one crab in a pot […]

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