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Chuck Bentley
Author Archives: Chuck Bentley

Working Out for Better Finances

By Chuck Bentley Today, I have some counter-intuitive advice to help you manage your finances better. Russell Clayton, along with other colleagues, writing for the Harvard Business Review, introduced new research that demonstrates a clear relationship between physical activity that is planned, structured, repetitive, and purposeful—in other words—exercise—and our ability to manage other aspects of […]

Why NBA Legend Charles Barkley’s “Crab” Comment Is Biblical

By Chuck Bentley CHARISMANEWS (11-12-2014) “Former NBA star Charles Barkley recently drew national attention with his candid comments referring to the envy between ‘successful blacks’ and others in the community, referring to ‘crabs in a barrel’, ” noted Crown CEO Chuck Bentley. “Mr. Barkley was referring to an African Proverb—Put one crab in a pot […]

4 Steps to End Poverty

4 Steps to End Poverty

By Chuck Bentley It is hard to believe that it took a humanist composer to point out the weaknesses and flaws in the modern methods typically used to counteract poverty. Peter Buffet created an uproar when he famously coined a term in a New York Times article — “the charitable industrial complex” — and declared, […]

The Founders’ fear of federal debt

By Chuck Bentley Washington Times (7-4-2013) George Washington would roll over in his grave—bumping into his fellow Founding Fathers—if he knew the scope of America’s public debt. Among the values shared by America’s first leaders was an absolute fear of debt, given the pain and misery that followed it. As America celebrates another birthday, their […]

Government giving gets Robin Hood all wrong

By Chuck Bentley——Monday, December 24, 2012 Killing incentive to give will hurt the poor, not the rich. A fundamental misunderstanding of the Robin Hood legend in the current discussion of tax policy undergirds a mistaken idea, too rarely evaluated—that hurting the “rich” helps the “poor.” Right now, this is played out in proposals to reduce […]

No quick fix for our debt addiction

By Chuck Bentley Many hoped to come away from the first presidential debate [of 2012] with renewed optimism for a solution to the fragile condition of our nation’s fiscal health. Unfortunately, I came away less optimistic. Just as divorcing couples are notorious for finger pointing, politicians running for office (or those in office for that […]

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