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Author Archives: Crown Team

What Does the Bible Say about Planning?

What Does The Bible Say About Planning?

Planning is biblical. In Proverbs God says that someone who plans well will foresee dangers and avoid them, but the foolish person (a non-planner) will rush ahead, do whatever’s convenient, and end up paying the penalty. Just as we can’t build a home without blueprints, we can’t have solid financial structure without plans. Being a […]

5 Tips For Frugal Living

Have you ever met someone who seems to always be able to turn nothing into something? We all know that thrifty person who is able to save money in any situation. Being frugal with your money is something that can help you to maximize your income and potentially improve your financial situation. Trying to find […]

Debt Snowball vs. Debt Avalanche: What’s The Best Method To Pay Off My Debt?

Debt is something that affects the vast majority of Americans today. In fact, Comet reports that 80.9% of Baby Boomers, 79.9% of Generation X, and 81.5% of Millennials are currently in debt. That’s a lot of people! The adverse effects of debt can be detrimental – it can greatly harm your physical, mental, spiritual, relational, […]

Your Black Friday Survival Guide

black friday survival guide

10 Ways to Avoid Overspending on the Biggest Shopping Day of the Year There are some impressive statistics about Black Friday shopping. For example, in 2016 more people went Black Friday shopping than voted in the election. Target reported that it sold more than 3,200 TV’s per minute within the first hour of the store […]

What Does the Bible Say About Planning?

what does the bible say about planning

Planning is biblical. In Proverbs God says that someone who plans well will foresee dangers and avoid them, but the foolish person (a non-planner) will rush ahead, do whatever’s convenient, and end up paying the penalty. Just as we can’t build a home without blueprints, we can’t have solid financial structure without plans. Being a […]

Moved By a Challenge: Tom’s Testimony

Crown Indigo

He was stuck … Tom constantly worried about providing for himself and his family. And this financial insecurity caused frustration in his career — dissatisfied by his job that wasn’t fulfilling his purpose — and in his marriage too. But in the midst of Tom’s worries and struggle, God’s principles changed everything … He stumbled across […]

Whom should we help?

True and lasting financial freedom cannot be experienced in Christians’ finances unless they understand God’s perspective on giving and sharing. God’s perspective on how to obtain lasting financial freedom is best characterized by the following principles. 1. Acknowledge God’s ownership over everything. God owns it all and we are His stewards in charge of managing […]

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