At this time in America’s history, God has provided an open door for the church to expand ministries that help people in need. Today, the government is turning to the faith community for help in providing aid to the poor. This open door may not last long, but while it does the church has a […]
Every church seeking to serve the Lord should have caring programs established to help their own needy, the needy in their community, and the needy in the world. The surpluses that the church must have in order to minister to the needy are always available. Too often, Christians are consuming or wasting them. Every church […]
It is well known that there are churches in every community that help the needy. These benevolence ministries are often called “Alms” ministries because they are giving alms to the poor. You are more likely to see this kind of community benevolence ministry than to see one that meets the needs of people in the […]
Any business generally reflects the values of its principle owners or managers. It is the reflection of these values that determines whether a business is labeled Christian or non-Christian. If a business is to be used to serve God, it should have but one overriding purpose—to glorify Him. As such, there are five basic business […]
One decision that all adults in America have to face in their search for housing is whether to buy or to rent. The choice usually depends on how much they can afford to spend. The only sure way to determine how much a person or family can afford to spend on housing is for them […]
It has been said that the thing you know best you do best. The majority of Americans know how to evaluate rental properties, particularly residential housing. Since most home owners in America have been renters at one time or another, or have bought or sold homes, most have the ability to evaluate good rental real […]
Goal setting is a chief prerequisite to effective investing. As people consider what to do with their money, they need to think about where they want to end up financially. Although money should not be an end, in and of itself, it is a tool that can be used to accomplish established short-term and long-term […]
According to several recent surveys, more women than ever are seeking to leave full-time jobs and return home to become stay-at-home moms or to operate home-based businesses. However, many of these stay-at-home moms who have chosen to start an at-home business have discovered that there are not enough hours in the day to accomplish all […]
Although we are all aware of stress caused by finances and relationships, you’d be amazed at how many people are really stressed and discouraged over issues that relate to their jobs. Career counseling agencies are finding that job anxiety is one of the major causes of stress in our society. Health problems related to job […]
One of the primary tragedies of a slowdown in our economy is that as money becomes tight companies have to “tighten their belts” financially in order to remain competitive, and in some cases it is necessary in order for them to remain solvent. All the excess expenditures have to be trimmed and overhead has to […]