A survey in Business Week magazine reported that only one out of six Americans is content with his or her job. That means that nearly 83 percent are dissatisfied. The most consistent complaint was a lack of fulfillment or long-term purpose. Certainly, many Christians also fall within this large group of dissatisfied, fearful workers. Why? Primarily because their […]
There have never been more stock and bond investment opportunities or information sources available than at the present, but deciding which stocks or bonds to buy has never been more difficult. Equity mutual funds are an alternative to individual stocks and bonds, and they are an easy way to participate in the stock market. They […]
Newscasts report daily that our economy is on a downward trend. People are losing their homes, highly-paid executives are losing their positions and having to settle for lower-paying jobs, food and energy costs continue to increase, and the list goes on. While these facts are true, what we are experiencing is not new. In Jeremiah […]
While a lack of money can certainly create financial pressure, often such pressure is simply a result of attitude. If there is a right attitude toward money, freedom from financial bondage follows. God did not say that money and material things were problems; money is neither good nor bad. It is the use of money […]
Many sermons and teaching lessons that pastors present to their congregations do not apply to everyone. For example, lessons on the depravity of alcohol or drugs or the spiritually and emotionally harmful effects of adultery could apply to only a handful of attendees. However, everybody deals with money. It is the pastors’ responsibility to help […]
What are savings bonds? Savings bonds are loans to the government for a predetermined period of time (generally seven years or longer). They were designed primarily to help fund the U.S. war effort in World War II and were originally called war bonds. After the war, the bond program was continued and retitled U.S. savings […]
The primary reason people choose to refinance their home mortgages is because of low mortgage interest rates. However, before refinancing, they should be aware that sometimes they may end up paying more, not less, for a mortgage because lenders charge new types of fees, and loan arrangements can be complex. When to refinance If you’re […]
It is important to realize that investing is not an exact science. Even though some seem to make money in whatever they invest, others seem to lose whenever they invest in anything. The simplest, most straightforward method for evaluating any investment is the percentage of people who buy into it and get their money back. […]
With regard to finances, surety is probably the least taught and least understood principle in God’s Word. Considering the number of times the Scriptures warn against surety, its amazing to think that so few actually heed God’s cautions. The fact that so many Christians can violate a basic biblical principle about money and seem to […]
One of the more important aspects of church financial management is establishing an appropriate method of handling offerings. There are certain Internal Revenue Service rules that must be followed regarding handling cash and acknowledging and accepting donations. Receiving the offering Offerings can be received by “passing the plate,” allowing attendees to place their offering in […]