A look into God’s Word quickly reveals that material blessings were given because God loved His people, not because His people deserved those blessings. They were withdrawn from those who used them foolishly and transferred to more faithful stewards. “You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may […]
Investing is not unscriptural. As Christians learn to invest money according to God’s principles, they’ll find that God will increase their opportunity to help others. This is, in reality, the real purpose of investing: to gain financial security by increasing assets in order to serve God more fully. However, no single financial plan will fit […]
It is common practice in today’s business world for employers to reimburse employees for business-related expenses: hotel rooms and meals while on a business trip or gasoline if the employee’s car is used for business purposes. The Problem As in personal finances, credit cards can wreak havoc with business expenses. Sometimes the employee uses […]
A business is a tool to be used by God to demonstrate the truth of the Gospel. In James 1:22 we are told to be “doers” of the Word. A business is the perfect environment for living Christ’s truth. One of the best ways to determine whether a business is being used to serve God […]
How much did the typical adult spend on his or her summer vacation last year? $400? $800? The average price tag was actually closer to $1,200. Imagine, then, how much money a family of four spent! “Summer vacations can be surprisingly expensive,” Suzanne Boas, former president of Clearpoint Credit Counseling Solutions, said. “Families spend considerable […]
The term bankruptcy comes from two Latin words and literally means “broken bench.” Under Roman law, creditors divided up the assets of a delinquent debtor, then broke the debtor’s workbench as punishment and a warning to other indebted tradesmen. Today’s laws and changes in consumer attitude toward bankruptcy have fostered a climate in which people regard bankruptcy […]
Although the authority and responsibilities of church boards are as diverse as the churches they serve, there are some responsibilities that should be consistent and typical for all church boards. These are establishing policy, financial reporting, compensation review, and budget approval. Establishing policy One of the primary functions of the church board, regardless of the denomination or […]
In addition to travel and transportation expenses and housing allowance, there are other professional expenses that can be tax deductible for ministers if they are not paid for by the church or reimbursed by the church. Ministers can deduct up to $25 per donee for business gifts to any number of individuals every year. The […]
It may seem strange, but many people don’t know if they have financial goals. Even stranger, some think they have financial goals when they really don’t. “Get rich” or “make as much as possible” don’t qualify as goals, because true goals have to be measurable at different points in time in order to be of […]
Investing isn’t simply multiplying and storing assets without purpose – that’s hoarding, which is condemned by Jesus in Luke 12:16-21. But, Solomon gives some excellent investment advice: “Divide your portion to seven, or even to eight, for you do not know what misfortune may occur on the earth” (Ecclesiastes 11:2). Investing 101 Because you’re reading […]