Most Christians in America receive the majority of their spiritual teaching from their pastors and spiritual leaders in their churches. Although some ministers don’t consider teaching on stewardship necessary for spiritual development, the Bible says otherwise. Since the subject of money, possessions, and management is addressed in the Bible more than any other subject except […]
In recent years, we’ve witnessed the world shifting like sand beneath our feet. We’ve been asking ourselves, “What’s happened to us?” “Is it ever going back to the way it used to be?” “What kind of adjustments do we need to make to prepare for the future?” People all around the world are experiencing a […]
The American public generally has high expectations of religious organizations and churches. For the most part, donors and attendees recognize that enormous needs exist that the church is called upon to meet, and they usually want to respond adequately to help the church meet those needs. However, they also want to be assured that the […]