There have never been more stock and bond investment opportunities or information sources available than at the present, but deciding which stocks or bonds to buy has never been more difficult. Equity mutual funds are an alternative to individual stocks and bonds, and they are an easy way to participate in the stock market. They enable the investor to diversify risk and obtain professional management.
The advantage of investing in mutual funds is that they automatically provide diversification.
Even with a small amount of money, investors can own shares of hundreds of stocks or bonds because mutual funds pool money from lots of small investors and a group of professional advisers invests the money in large portfolios with many securities—usually in the stock or bond markets.
There are specialized mutual funds that invest in automobiles, precious metals, utility companies, government securities, and so on, or general funds that cover almost any area in which investors would want to invest.
Keep in mind, though, that like stocks, there are risky funds with high yields and safe funds with lower yields.
Although some investors invest short-term for specific reasons, such as accumulating funds for a downpayment on a home, to be really successful in mutual fund investing, investors must be patient and use the fund as a long-term investment vehicle.
Mutual funds are both attractive and valuable to small investors. Since many mutual funds require as little as $100 or less to invest, investors’ risks are relatively small and are spread over a large base in the economy.
The number of mutual funds available has multiplied considerably during the past 10 years. This is mainly due to the fact that mutual funds sell well when they perform well and performances on good mutual funds over the past 10 years have averaged more than twice the prevailing interest rates.
However, past history is not always a good indication of what funds will do in the future. Since mutual funds are securities, trained analysts—registered brokers—are best qualified to review funds performances and compare them with current management philosophy, cash position, and market position to come up with reasonable projections of what funds could do in the future.
To choose a fund, investors should take the following steps.
In order to attract investors in this very competitive field, mutual funds now offer a variety of options. The following are the options most often compared.
When investing in funds, investors generally have the option of shifting or allocating their money into one or more areas within the company’s “family” of investments once or twice a year without penalty. This is now a common option offered by most mutual fund companies.
With open-end funds, investors have guarantees that the fund company will buy back shares at whatever market value they are worth at the time of the sale. This gives both liquidity and security.
In a closed-end fund, there are a finite number of shares traded on the open market. They may sell for less than their underlying asset value if there is little demand. There is more risk with open-end funds when it comes time to take a profit, but the return could be more than the return closed-end funds provide.
Load funds charge sales commissions up to 8.5 percent at the time they are purchased. No-loads do not. Both charge management fees. The records show that there is no performance difference between the two.
Millions of investors today put their money in mutual funds. If Christians decide to take this approach and let experts manage their money, they need to make sure they select a good fund. Many mutual funds look good on paper, but loads and fees can erode gains.
In addition, as Christians, we need to understand that some mutual funds invest in areas that are questionable and in some that are blatantly anti-Christian, including pornography, liquor sales, and abortion clinics.
Christians should get prospectuses from mutual funds they’re considering and research the history of the funds to make sure the fund’s goals coincide with theirs.
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