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GIF Citizenship and Christianity

“Let your light shine for all the nations to see! For the glory of the Lord is streaming from you.”
(Isaiah 60:1 TLB)

Citizenship and Christianity
by Larry Burkett

Have you ever considered the relationship between citizenship and Christianity?

Which takes priority?

As Americans, we have all the rights and privileges granted to us by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. And, I believe we are bound according to God’s Word to obey the legal authority over us, including the IRS.

Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. . . . Because of this you also pay taxes, for rulers are servants of God” (Romans 13:1, 6).

Although I don’t like paying taxes, I am bound by that authority and by God’s Word.

But, is there any point at which I am no longer bound by government authority? In my opinion, there is when that authority violates the superior authority of the Word of God.

For example, although abortion is legal in some states, it is totally against the Word of God. Therefore, I must take a stand against abortion.

We haven’t started euthanizing elderly people, but it’s not impossible that we might find that legal in the future.

As God’s people, we are also citizens and therefore we have the right to appeal any laws of this land to protect our constitutional rights.

When the laws of this land try to supersede the law of God, that’s when we must take a stand, even to the point of imprisonment, if necessary.

Daily Scripture Reading:

Isaiah 23-27