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GIF Depression

“You are from God, little children, and have overcome. . . because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.”

(1 John 4:4)

by Larry Burkett

Only once in my life was I genuinely depressed. It was due to what I would call burnout. I was traveling, doing 50 to 60 seminars a year, and I had let my spiritual life run down. I got so busy for the Lord I didn’t have time to spend with the Lord.

Ironically enough, this is something many full-time Christian workers experience; they are so busy serving God there’s no time to spend with Him.

I didn’t have time to study, to pray, to read the Bible. Everywhere I went I was giving, giving, giving, because that’s what people expected.

Everyone gets down from time to time, but this time it really frightened me to realize I didn’t have any control over it. I was in a downward spiral and couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, couldn’t think straight, couldn’t work anymore.

I had lost my direction, so I stopped, confessed it to the Lord, canceled everything, and determined to reestablish my relationship with the Lord.

I stayed with a friend until I regained my focus. I decided to resign as manager of the universe. God made it abundantly clear to me that He didn’t give me that job in the first place.

Don’t get so busy serving God that you don’t have any time for Him. Spend time in prayer and meditate on His Word. And when you lack peace in your life, stop!

Daily Scripture Reading:
1 Chronicles 27-29