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GIF God-Ordained Marriage

“Consequently they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.”
(Matthew 19:6)

God-Ordained Marriage
by Larry Burkett

From the beginning, God designed marriage to be the ideal setting for perpetuating the human race. He developed the union to consist of a man and a woman, committed to each other for life and to raising their offspring.

God knew that a mother and a father were needed to create the best environment for children. Couples are warned in their marriage vows not to take this union lightly.

There are times in every marriage when it seems barely tolerable. I know that was true of my marriage for the first several years. Judy and I came out of non-Christian backgrounds, with little or no training for a good marriage relationship. Consequently we argued about nearly everything, and this caused hurt feelings on both sides.

We live in a generation that has not been taught the importance of keeping vows. The words “until death do us part” don’t really have any significance to many couples. Marriage is entered into with the idea, “If it doesn’t work out, I can always get out.”

It is only when two people make an absolute commitment to each other that a marriage can function as God intended. It is unrealistic to think that conflicts won’t occur. They will, but if spouses know that both of them are irrevocably committed to the marriage, the problems can be resolved.

There are steps to take to help keep a marriage strong: keep the lines of communication open and spend time together in Bible reading and prayer.

Hear my prayer, O God; give ear to the words of my mouth” (Psalm 54:2).

Daily Scripture Reading:

Isaiah 52-57