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GIF Purposeful Giving

“It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

(Acts 20:35)

Purposeful Giving
by Larry Burkett

If we allow Satan’s tools of fear, doubt, and selfishness to prevent us from surrendering all to God, we never can enjoy the rewards that await us when we serve, share, and give.

But if we seek God’s will in giving, give only to please Him (not to impress others), and give cheerfully, we won’t have to worry about our needs.

This may mean giving up having the world’s “best,” but that’s a very small sacrifice compared to those being made by Christians in countries where professing faith in Christ means death.

God’s Word says, “Do not neglect doing good and sharing; for with such sacrifices God is pleased” (Hebrews 13:16).

We forget that each of us has been called to suffer for Christ. For most of us, our service has not required material or physical sacrifice. However, it does require an understanding that our abundance is intended to further the kingdom of God. It is not a reward for being “nice.”

How purposeful or sacrificial is your giving?

Daily Scripture Reading:
Psalm 119:1-88