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GIF Sacrifice

“Everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or farms for My name’s sake, shall receive many times as much, and shall inherit eternal life.”

(Matthew 19:29)

by Larry Burkett

The concept of sacrifice is not popular with most Christians. Most of us like to discuss this subject in generalities, rather than in specifics.

It’s all right for the pastor to mention sacrifice when he talks about missionaries or fulltime Christian workers, but when he talks about giving up golf or a new car for God’s work, suddenly he becomes a radical.

In this country we are not asked to sacrifice our lives, as Christians are doing in other lands.

However, if we will truly surrender ourselves to God and give Him a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, we will experience His faithfulness. He loves us and will never give us less than His best as long as we are surrendered to His way of living.

Ask God to reveal to you someone in need and then give sacrificially from what you have. You will be more blessed than you can imagine.

Father, stand ready to help me, because I have chosen to follow Your will.

Daily Scripture Reading:
2 Samuel 6:12-23
1 Chronicles 15-16
Psalm 96