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More Tips for Recession Protection
A recession is coming… We know it’s coming because it’s a normal part of the economic cycle. We just...
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Success in Saving is Having a Plan
Ever feel like you’re on the edge of the financial cliff? Just one more gust of wind could knock...
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Crazy Money! – Sale of Fine Art Paid Nursing Home Costs
It’s Crazy Money Day! The high cost of nursing homes and assisted living puts people under tremendous financial strain....
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Long-Term Habits Over Short-Term Debt Relief
If you’ve ever been in debt, you know the enormous burden it can cause. It feels like you’d give...
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If You Freelance, Don’t Forget These Things
If you’re a freelancer, work for yourself, or run your own company, don’t forget to do these things for...
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Ask Chuck: I Need Balance Between Work and Home
Dear Chuck, I work very long days and provide nice things for my wife and children. However, I’ve grown...
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Back to School Shopping Tips
School is right around the corner. Are you ready? Back to school is the 2nd biggest shopping season of...
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Crazy Money! Beware Bitcoin
It’s Crazy Money Day! Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger openly denigrated cryptocurrencies at this year’s annual  Berkshire Hathaway shareholder...
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Resource Stewardship
MONEY & RESOURCESHow can I be a good manager of the possessions or resources God has given me? How...
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Ask Chuck Setting Up An Emergency Fund 
Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Setting up an Emergency Fund 
Dear Chuck, I’ve never had an emergency fund. My parents always helped when I got in a bind. Recently,...
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