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Money-Saving Tips for the COVID-19 Pandemic from your Crown Staff
The Crown team makes it a priority to “practice what we preach”. During this pandemic, as we recommend to...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Should I Refinance My Home?
Dear Chuck, We have been our first home for three years and want to refinance to lower our mortgage...
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9 ways to get ahead in your finances
9 Ways to Get Ahead in Your Finances
Did you know that 78% of full-time workers said they live paycheck to paycheck? Overall, 71% of all U.S. workers...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: How to Budget With Inconsistent Income
Hi Chuck, I am part of the ‘Gig Economy’ and work full-time as a freelance graphic designer. Some months...
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The Crown Staff’s Favorite Money-Saving Tips
The Crown team makes it a priority to “practice what we preach”, which means that we have an office...
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Ask Chuck Vacation 2
Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Vacation Clubs, Timeshares, or None of the Above? 
Dear Chuck, We’re a large family who vacations ten nights per year over spring break and summer. In your...
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Ask Chuck Cd’s And Low Risk Investments For Cautious Investors
Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: CD’s and Low-Risk Investments for Cautious Investors
Dear Chuck, I received a sizable bonus and am thinking about investing a portion of it into CDs while...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Helping Canadian Friends Hurt by Inflation
Dear Chuck, I have friends living in Canada. They say the cost of living is so high that many...
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How To Reduce Financial Stress
With many things causing stress in today’s world, here is a short list of financial practices that will reduce your stress,...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: How to Adjust After COVID-19?
Dear Chuck, The coronavirus has caused economic and societal changes I never thought I would see in my lifetime....
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