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The Example Of The Ant
It’s Crazy Money Day, and our lesson today comes from…the ant. Did you know the Bible commends certain creatures?...
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Savings Day – Focused Intentionality
Saving money is more important now than ever before. I’m motivated by those who change their spending habits so...
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Sowing Good Seed
Ever think of your financial decisions as good or bad seeds? You have the choice of sowing one or...
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Financial Priorities
What’s your main financial priority? The Shorter Catechism says “The chief end of man is to glorify God and...
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Crazy Money Day – Anne Scheiber
It’s Crazy Money Day! Anne Scheiber was an IRS auditor who never made more than $4,000 a year. She...
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Sowing Good Seed
Ever think of your financial decisions as good or bad seeds? You have the choice of sowing one or...
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Prepare For The Future
The squirrels are preparing for winter on my property. Squirrels instinctively work hard for the cold months ahead. They...
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Stewarding Money And The Gospel With Children
  You only have a few years to teach your children about money. The Apostle John said: “I have...
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Empty Your Storage Unit and Save $
Do you need extra money this month? Empty your storage unit! We have way too much stuff and we...
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Financial Stress of Military Families
Military families face many challenges. An annual military family lifestyle survey conducted by Blue Star Families found that the...
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