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Raising Financially Independent Children
Trying to raise financially independent children?  Third John 1:4 says, “I have no greater joy than to see my...
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Crazy Money! – Musicians Sell Catalogs For Millions
It’s Crazy Money Day! Bob Dylan sold the rights to his music for $500 million. At nearly age 80,...
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Aligning Finances with the Word
Are your finances aligned with God’s Word?  I’ve long believed that a credit score is a poor determination of...
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Financial Lies – the Root of Money Problems
Think your marriage suffers from financial problems?  Many Christian couples struggle with the same problems as the world –...
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Is Your Car a Wealth-Slayer?
Is your car a “wealth slayer”? Did you know a car can kill your financial freedom? New vehicle prices...
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Habits of Millionaires
Habits impact finances! Tom Corley studied the behaviors of hundreds of millionaires. He discovered several shared habits. Most exercise...
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Want to Buy a House?
Struggling to find a house? Many people aren’t selling their homes because they don’t want to leave their low-rate...
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Financial Mistakes to Avoid–Part 2
Want to avoid financial mistakes? As I admitted yesterday, I could fill a book with the financial mistakes that...
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Financial Check – Ups
Had a financial check-up lately? I strongly recommend periodic financial check-ups. If you’re married, plan a time to meet...
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Prioritize Giving
Is giving a priority for you? Proverbs 3:9 says, “Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first...
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