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Getting Your Estate in Order
  The Bible declares “A prudent man considers his steps and is crowned with knowledge!” As wise managers, it...
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Decisions Based on Trust
  Do you ever find yourself suffering from fear and anxiety just listening to the news? Many decisions God’s...
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Starting a Budget
Have you been waiting to make a budget until you make just a littttlle more money? Have you had...
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Embracing God’s Principles
Think your marriage suffers from financial problems? That may not be the case! Until a Christian couple shares the...
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Making a Kingdom Bucket List
We all have things we want to do during our lifetime. I’d love to run an ultra marathon!!  It’s...
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$11/hour Millionaire
Have you ever dreamed of having a million dollars in the bank? Well, you can, even if you make...
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Prepare Your Tax Return Early
It’s been said that “Nothing makes a person more modest about their income than to fill out a tax...
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Adjust Your Tax Withholding
During tax season, it’s always good to remember what Jesus said, “… render to Caesar the things that are Caesar‘s, and to...
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The Cost of Convenience
Writer, speaker, and minimalist Joshua Becker says, “Convenience is no longer merely appreciated among the average consumer, it is...
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Welcome Freedom Investors
We are so grateful you’ve chosen to partner with us every month to help people all over the world...
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