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Empty Your Storage Unit and Save $
Do you need extra money this month? Empty your storage unit! We have way too much stuff and we...
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Financial Stress of Military Families
Military families face many challenges. An annual military family lifestyle survey conducted by Blue Star Families found that the...
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4 Money Mistakes: #1 – Get Rich Quick Mentality
Four money mistakes can affect your ability to save. It’s easy to fall into bad financial habits. I want...
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Crazy Money Day – Tulip Mania
It’s Crazy Money Day! When people invest out of greed, envy, pride, or ignorance, things can get crazy! The...
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Prudent Living
The Bible advises us to operate with prudence so we wisely choose the right path to a worthy goal....
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Savings Day – Health and Wealth
Health and wealth are related in multiple ways.  Health professionals recommend that adults spend a minimum of 2 ½...
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Selecting an Investment Advisor
Are you looking for an investment advisor? I recommend financial advisors who are committed Christians. Psalm 1:1 says we...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Explaining The GameStop Frenzy
Dear Chuck, Can you explain what happened with the GameStop fiasco this week? It is very confusing to understand...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Should Bitcoin be in my Retirement Portfolio?
Dear Chuck, Although I don’t really believe in it, I am thinking of adding Bitcoin to my retirement funds. ...
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Improve Your Credit Report Score
Take Advantage of Free Credit Reports
By Andrew Pryor for Sound Mind Investing When purchasing my current home, I met with a mortgage lender who,...
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