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The Benefits of Type I Savings Bonds
U.S. savings bonds—often given as graduation, baptism, birthday, and wedding gifts—are popular because they are, for all practical purposes,...
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Making Money From Home
by Joseph Slife for Sound Mind Investing For many of our forebears, home wasn’t just a place to live...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Explaining The GameStop Frenzy
Dear Chuck, Can you explain what happened with the GameStop fiasco this week? It is very confusing to understand...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Should Bitcoin be in my Retirement Portfolio?
Dear Chuck, Although I don’t really believe in it, I am thinking of adding Bitcoin to my retirement funds. ...
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Improve Your Credit Report Score
Take Advantage of Free Credit Reports
By Andrew Pryor for Sound Mind Investing When purchasing my current home, I met with a mortgage lender who,...
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5 Ways to Become a Better Investor
Matt Bell, a friend and financial author has written an excellent article called The Essentials of Investing on his...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: What Should I Do With My Christmas Bonus?
Dear Chuck, I expect a decent year-end bonus and am trying to decide how best to use it. I...
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The First Step to Financial Freedom
Have you been waiting to make a budget until you make just a little more money? Maybe you have...
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How To Reduce Financial Stress
With many things causing stress in today’s world, here is a short list of financial practices that will reduce your stress,...
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Worst Scenario
The Presidential Election and the Worst-Case Scenario for Investors
  I grew up with a generalized investing philosophy espoused by my grandfather: invest during a Democratic administration (market...
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