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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Ready to Retire?
Dear Chuck, I can retire in two years at age 65. Our home is paid for but we have...
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Ask Chuck The Unexpected Joy Of Being Frugal
Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: The Unexpected Joy of Being Frugal
Dear Chuck, I work and live with those who buy whatever they want, whenever they want. I find myself...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Implementing a Crisis Budget
Dear Chuck, Our income has fallen dramatically since sheltering at home. We need help to work our way through...
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ask chuck who should take on student debt
Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Should Children or Parents Take On Student Debt?
Dear Chuck, We have a son graduating high school this year and are trying to make plans for his...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: How to Get Credit Card Debt Under Control
Dear Chuck,  I hate carrying a balance on our credit cards, but I can’t seem to get them under...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: A Financial Tool You Must Have!
Dear Chuck, My wife and I are finally living on a budget! What are some key steps in our...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: How to Financially Prepare for Marriage
Dear Chuck, I am not married but would like to be one day, but who knows? Should I plan...
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When Making $100K a Year Doesn’t Feel Like “Upper-Middle Class”
The median household income in America is about $59,000. This would suggest that making above $59,000 would offer you...
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Saying “Yes” to a Budget Before Saying “I Do”
Dear Chuck, For years I have always managed to earn more than I spend. But, my fiancée says we...
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10 Budget-Friendly Summer Activities Your Kids Will Love
Congratulations! You have made it through your first full week of (official) summer. For many of you, your kids have...
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