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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Should I Worry About this Labor Shortage?
Dear Chuck, What’s up with the labor market? I have never seen so many postings for job openings or...
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Ask Chuck Preparing for a Recession
Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Preparing for a Recession
Dear Chuck, I’m hearing and reading murmurs of a coming recession. My investments took a beating in the last...
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Ask Chuck- Good Financial Lessons from Bad Mistakes
Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Good Financial Lessons From Bad Mistakes
Dear Chuck, I’ve made many mistakes with money over the years. I live in regret of how I squandered...
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Ask Chuck Debt Consolidation Vs Debt Settlement E1672268876614
Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Debt Consolidation vs Debt Settlement
Dear Chuck, My wife and I are working really hard to get out of debt. We are overwhelmed with...
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Ask Chuck July 2
Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Plan Now to Avoid “Debtmas”
Dear Chuck, My wife and I have two little ones. I love Christmas but always regret the financial stress...
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so you think you're going to get married
So You Think You’re Going to…Get Married
Marriage was designed by God to bring abundant blessing into our lives as we work together in unity as...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Preparing for Negative Interest Rates 
Dear Chuck, Are we headed towards negative interest rates? If so, how in the world do I prepare for...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Filling a Void with Material Things
Dear Chuck, Amazon Prime day just recently took place, and I found lots of great deals. Many of my...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Getting On The Same Page As Unbelieving Spouse
Dear Chuck, I’m having a difficult time getting my husband on the same page to stop accruing debt and...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Should I Buy a House?
Dear Chuck, My wife and I are considering buying a house now although it’s a year earlier than we...
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