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Savings Day – Master Your Money
It’s build your Savings Day! If you struggle saving, maybe its because money is your master. Get out from...
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Savings Day – Tips to Spend Less Than You Earn
Need some tips to save more money? Good beliefs produce good behavior. I recently asked people how they live...
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Savings Day – Financial Fasting
It’s Build Your Savings Day!  I have fasted from food at different times in my life. The first couple...
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Savings Day – Set SMART Goals
It’s Build Your Savings Day! Have you made saving goals for the year?  A saving goal grants vision and...
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Millennials Savings Habits
Millennials tend to get a bad reputation for a lot of things – poor work ethic, a spirit of...
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Savings Day – Got the After-Christmas Blues
Got the after-Christmas blues? The presents have been given, the food’s been eaten, and the decorations must be packed...
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Savings Day – Prep for Higher Property Taxes
Do you own your home? Homeowners have to pay property taxes. It’s the largest source of state and local...
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Savings Day – Wait to Buy a Used Car
Want to buy a car? Prices for used-cars are way up over the same time last year—some as high...
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Savings Day – Be Intentional
Are you intentionally trying to save more money? Benjamin Franklin knew what you save is just as important as...
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Savings Day – Consider the Costs of Relocating
I recently met a couple that moved their family from LA to Nashville.  Financial benefits drove the decision to...
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