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teaching children

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Teach Your Children
What are you teaching your children about money?  Many of the financial issues today result from ignoring God’s Word....
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Are You Teaching Generosity?
Are you teaching your children to be generous?  Generosity is an important Biblical principle to discuss and demonstrate from...
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Helping Adult Children – Part 2
Do you have adult children with financial problems? You can help your adult children without paying their bills. A...
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Teaching by Example
  Chuck Swindoll says, “Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children.”...
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Teaching Kids to Budget
Ever tried to teach your children how to budget? It can convict you of your own spending!! My wife...
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Preparing Children for the Workforce
How do you prepare your children for the workforce?  Beyond a good resume, respect for authority, and an outstanding...
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Teaching Generosity
Generosity is an essential part of stewardship. Generosity’s not an easy lesson to teach children. I had to learn the...
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Teaching Teens to Save
Are your teenagers learning to save money? Most students graduate and head off to college focused on the present...
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Worship at Home with Crown
Weekly Family WorshipAs we worship from home instead of in churches, Crown is offering weekly stewardship lessons for ages...
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Wisdom is Caught, not Taught
Many of our decisions are caught – not taught. This same principle is true of stewardship. We’re often not...
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