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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: How Do I Financially Prepare My Child for College?
Dear Chuck, I’ve tried to prepare my daughter to handle money responsibly while she’s away at college. But, I’m...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Avoiding the Christmas Spending Trap
Dear Chuck, The commercialization of Christmas feels like a big financial trap! My husband and I want to show...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Advice for Single Moms Hurt by Inflation
Dear Chuck, I am a single mom with 3 children trying my best to manage my limited resources. It...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Trade School vs Bachelor’s Degree
Dear Chuck, My wife and I are committed to financially helping our children get college degrees. We’ve graduated two...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Avoiding the Paycheck-to-Paycheck Trap
Dear Chuck, I read an article recently about how many Americans live paycheck to paycheck and question how many...
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stewarding your time
Why You Should Steward Your Time, Not Just Your Money
“Time is money.” How true this is! Time is also a gift. In fact, it’s the most valuable resource...
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Ask Chuck Financial Goals for 2019
Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Setting Financial Goals for the New Year (And How to Reach Them)
Dear Chuck, My husband and I desperately need to get a handle on our money next year. What are...
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Ask Chuck What Is Financial Freedom
Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: What Is Financial Freedom?
Dear Chuck, Can you explain what you mean by financial freedom? Are you using the term in place of...
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So you think youre going back to school
So You Think You’re Going Back to School
In today’s rapidly changing environment, it has becoming increasingly important to stay competitive by adding value to your company....
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Tips for Eliminating Big Debts
By Chuck Bentley Today, I have some helpful tips.  The US News & World Report collected their best advice...
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