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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: How Should I Spend My Large Inheritance?
Dear Chuck, I inherited a significant amount of money this year. Although I am very grateful, I’m feeling the...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck – Should I Use My 401k to Pay off Debt?
Dear Chuck, I’m trying to pay my credit cards off but my income is very limited since I am...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Will Social Security Go Broke?
Dear Chuck, I’m a recent college graduate with my first “real” job. With that comes paying into the Social...
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Americans’ favorite investment opportunity
By Chuck Bentley According to’s Financial Security Index, for the first time in three years, real estate was...
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How to Have the Best
Man’s Best vs. God’s Best From the beginning, Satan has tempted man with the desire to have the best...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: How to Adjust After COVID-19?
Dear Chuck, The coronavirus has caused economic and societal changes I never thought I would see in my lifetime....
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Most Americans Live Paycheck to Paycheck
Are you living paycheck to paycheck? A recent report from CareerBuilder found that 78% of full-time workers live paycheck...
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How to Avoid the Financial Mistake 78% of Working Americans Are Making
Are you living paycheck to paycheck? A recent report from CareerBuilder found that 78% of full-time workers live paycheck...
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My Journey Out of Financial Bondage
“How did I get here?” Have you ever asked yourself that question in regard to your financial situation? Maybe...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Should I Buy Gold?
Dear Chuck, Gold is soaring now. Should I buy gold before our economy tanks?  Gold Fever   Dear Gold...
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