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Savings Day – Controlled By Money?
Are you controlled by money? Did you know that the majority of Jesus’ warnings were to the wealthy, not...
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Savings Day – Consider the Costs of Relocating
I recently met a couple that moved their family from LA to Nashville.  Financial benefits drove the decision to...
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Savings Day – Save on Fashion
Want to save money on your wardrobe? A small closet with quality clothes is better than one stuffed with...
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Savings Day – Forget What’s Behind and Press Toward the Goal
It’s hard to save when you’re focused on things of this world. If you’re influenced by what the world...
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Savings Day – Sacrificial Living
Preparation for financial storms requires sacrificial living. Are you familiar with this macro-economic cycle? Economies begin with hard work...
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Savings Day – Valentine’s Day
Happy Valentine’s Day! 3 books in the Bible record an event that demonstrated such love and sacrifice, that Judas,...
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Savings Day – Plan Ahead For Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is almost here!  With inflation hitting all of our pockets, better think ahead now. You’ve got two...
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52-Week Saving Challenge
Are you motivated to save more money? A savings account is necessary to avoid credit card debt and achieve...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: How Do We Get a Better Return on Our Savings?
Dear Chuck, We like our bank, but we get next to nothing while they hold our money in checking...
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Ask Chuck: Should I Have an Education Savings Account?
Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Should I Have an Education Savings Account?
Dear Chuck, I have 2 daughters that are only 2 years apart that are still in elementary school, but...
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