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Ask Chuck: Should I Have a Health Savings Account?
Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Should I Have a Health Savings Account?
Dear Chuck, I just accepted a new position and have the opportunity to enroll in a Health Savings Account...
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Ask Chuck Comfortable But Fragile With No Savings
Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Comfortable but Fragile with No Savings
Dear Chuck, I know I need to save, but I just can’t. I make good money but find that...
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Are You Worried About Outliving Your Retirement Savings?
If you’re worried, you are not alone. Maurie Backman with the Motley Fool says retirement tops the list of...
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Saving Day – Pack Your Lunch
Do you have the post-Christmas blues? We’re here to help because it’s Build Your Savings Day!  Savers are planners....
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Should I Use My 401k to Pay Off Debt?
Here’s a tricky question: Should you use your 401(k) or other retirement savings to pay off debt? This is...
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Cut Your Grocery Bill
  It’s Build Your Savings Day! Try cutting your grocery bill! You may literally be eating your savings if...
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Saving Is Not Based On Superstition
It’s Build Your Savings Day! Also the day after Groundhog Day! Groundhog Day is a Pennsylvania Dutch superstition. If...
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Have Debt-Free Fun This Summer!
Thinking you can’t save money and have fun this summer?  During stressful times, it’s easy to spend money to...
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Saving Your Way Out of Debt
It may not make a whole lot of sense when you first hear it, but if you have debt,...
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What Does the Bible Say about Saving
Henry Ford said, “One of the greatest discoveries a man makes is to find he can do what he...
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