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Investing isn’t simply multiplying and storing assets without purpose – that’s hoarding, which is condemned by Jesus in Luke...
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Episode 23: Investing with Wisdom in Turbulent Times
Episode 23: Chuck Bentley - (Investing with Wisdom in Turbulent Times) Crown Stewardship PodcastChuck Bentley - Investing with Wisdom in...
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Make Sure Your Investing Decision-Making Is Inside-Out
By Austin Pryor for Sound Mind Investing One of the more contra-intuitive propositions that I regularly put forth in...
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GIF Seven Principles of Investing
“The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge; the ears of the wise seek it out” (Proverbs 18:15 NIV) Seven Principles...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Investing in Inflationary Times
Dear Chuck, Since my money is obviously buying less and less, how do I wisely invest in an inflationary...
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Episode 51: Applying a Principles Based Approach to Investing with Vince Birley
Episode 51: Applying a Principles Based Approach to Investing with Vince Birley Crown Stewardship PodcastEpisode 51: Applying a Principles...
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Investing in precious metals
The stability of precious metals Eternally attractive to mankind, precious metals have found their principal use as a store...
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GIF Investing vs. Gambling
“The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it.” (Proverbs 27:12 NIV) Investing...
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Investing: Apple Orchard vs Apple, Inc.
A friend recently sent me an article where the author gave this challenge – What is a better investment,...
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