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Stop Buying Things You Don’t Need
Ever buy things you don’t need? Years ago, Lauren Greutman wrote an article addressing the reasons you purchase things...
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You Need a Budget – Part 2
Whether you have a lot or a little, you need a budget! This week we’re focusing on the benefits...
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Start Saving for Vacation
Beautiful beaches, stunning natural wonders, thrilling adventure parks – are you ready for summer vacation?! I hope you have...
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13 money-saving hacks
13 Money-Saving Hacks
Saving is biblical; God wants us to be savers! He wants us to have the resources we need to...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: Help Me Save More Money!
Dear Chuck, I know I’m supposed to save, but I really don’t know how I can or even why...
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Ask Chuck
Ask Chuck: How to Save 1K on a Limited Income
Dear Chuck,  I’m trying to save an emergency fund of $1000, but I’m making very little progress. I get...
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Steps to Debt Freedom
Are you ready to get out of debt? A Former Chess Grand Master, (Charles A. Jaffe), said, “It’s not...
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Why So Many Job Openings?
Ever seen so many job openings or people who aren’t working?  Workers quit their jobs last year for numerous...
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SMART Goal Setting
How are you doing on your financial goals so far? Financial goals  provide us with vision and direction to...
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30 Day Reset Day 6
30 Day Money ResetYour one month challenge to develop healthy, biblical financial habits. DAY 6INTEGRITY IN FINANCESHow we use...
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